Tom Kane, The Daily Record Newswire
I recently received an RFP to provide marketing services to a large regional law firm with a quickly approaching deadline. I declined.
The request included strategic planning, an advertising plan, pitch training, part-time consulting and more — all aspects with which I have become familiar over my 27-plus years as a legal marketer. It was a large project that was going to be very expensive; in other words, a consultant’s dream.
Nevertheless, I decided not to bid, as I thought in the end the client law firm would not be happy.
I extended the courtesy of telling the managing partner of the firm why I declined: too general of an approach, and the amount of time it would consume to the detriment of other clients. Mainly, I saw a lot of effort to plan but not a lot of focus on individual lawyers’ efforts.
The one thing I’ve learned in my quarter century in legal marketing is that lawyers are pretty good at planning, but when it comes to implementation, not so much. There is a lot of money in planning.
I once saw a national consulting firm rip off hundreds of thousands of dollars on planning efforts that were not likely to (and didn’t) go very far. All C-level staff was opposed to the effort, but attorney management was in favor.
So how can marketing and business development work? By ensuring that the individual lawyers plan and implement individual action plans, whether part of a larger group or firm plan. It could happen with the firm in question, but the RFP didn’t point in that direction.
But it isn’t just individual plans that are needed; a structure that actually ensures the plans are implemented is essential. Honestly, the only way I see that happening is for the lawyers to have an internal or external coach (a.k.a. nag and motivator) to assist with and ensure the each attorney implements his or her plan.
Further, there need to be assurances that regular coaching progress reports are submitted to management so it can see and evaluate the success of the firm’s overall business development efforts.
It seems like a really nice firm. I merely think they are trying to do too much all at once, which in my experience is a potential waste of time and money.
Tom Kane is a former practicing attorney and principal of Kane Consulting Inc., a legal marketing consulting firm. He can be reached at