Daily Briefs

Michigan Supreme Court chief justice calls for increased professionalism for all attorneys

Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Elizabeth T. Clement is calling for all Michigan attorneys to embrace professionalism in and out of the courtroom as part of their duty to uphold respect for our justice system and to protect the rule of law.

The chief justice speaks out about the issue in this month’s Michigan Bar Journal:

“For the most part, when Michiganders tune in to watch trial court proceedings, they see just that — a justice system in which all are treated with dignity and respect. However, we all are aware of instances when civility is sacrificed — sometimes for sake of argument, sometimes because of frustration or anger, and sometimes for other reasons. No excuse is acceptable for bad behavior, especially when we are talking about judges and lawyers. We know better and we must act like it,” she wrote.

Clement’s advocacy supplements and supports the ongoing work to bring attention to the issue of professionalism. The State Bar of Michigan hosted a summit on professionalism in 2018 followed by a workgroup that drafted the 12 Principles of Professionalism, which were formally adopted by the Michigan Supreme Court in 2020.

Today, the work continues through the Special Committee on Professionalism and Civility, which recently created a speakers bureau to raise awareness throughout the legal community. To learn more, visit michbar.org/professionalism.

‘Galentines & Headshots Event’ hosted by WBA

The Women’s Bar Association, Oakland County Regions of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, will host a “Galentines & Headshots Event” Thursday, February 15, beginning at 5 p.m.

For this year’s Galentine’s Event, WBA is partnering with photographer Emma Burcusel of Emma Burcusel Photography, for a special charity event.

Attendees can reserve a spot for a minimum donation of $100 and Burcusel will provide a mini-headshot session at her studio in Plymouth.  Mingle with fellow attendees and enjoy some light refreshments while waiting.  

All proceeds from the event will be given to CARE House of Oakland County, a child advocacy center that provides services to victims of child abuse.

Donations must be made in advance to reserve a time slot. Donations of professional clothing for Ellen’s Closet at Mott College are also encouraged. Dinner afterwards is not included in the event cost.

Space is limited.  To register, email ngettler@linnellfirm.com.

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