
    November 13, 2015


    1. Plaza 'Sweet'
    2. Statesmanship
    3. Veterans Treatment Courts help save lives
    4. Daily Briefs . . .


    1. Obesity still rising among U.S. adults, women overtake men
    2. High-tech means higher sales for many small retailers
    3. Presidential candidate Carson profits from ties with convicted felon
    4. Applications for jobless aid stay near historic lows
    5. America's farms thrive on immigration
    6. Plaza 'Sweet' MSU Law dedicates College of Law Plaza
    7. Veterans Treatment Courts help save lives
    8. Holiday car deals move earlier: 4 things to consider
    9. Washington Patchwork of laws poses legal quicksand for fantasy sports New York AG ordered companies to stop accepting bets in his state
    10. Arizona Official seeks $123,000 after mascot jumps on him
    11. Michigan must seize opportunities for criminal justice reform
    12. Practical and effective social media use for lawyers: Facebook edition
    13. Health Care Obesity still rising among U.S. adults, women overtake men Experts say they have no explanation for why rate appears to be rising
    14. SmallBiz Small Talk High-tech means higher sales for many small retailers
    15. Economy Applications for jobless aid stay near historic lows
    16. Business Presidential candidate Carson profits from ties with convicted felon Former dentist pleaded guilty to health care fraud after FBI probe into his practice
    17. Nation Will more college athletes take on the establishment?
    18. New York Sharing or shaming? Tracking the homeless on social media is becoming more common
    19. National Roundup
    20. Montana Columnist fired after writing article critical of donor Writer wrote that ranch owner uses his wealth to tie up the courts
    21. Do you have shelter from the storm?
    22. Statesmanship Former president to speak at Michigan State Nov. 18


    1. Holiday car deals move earlier: 4 things to consider
    2. The need to be specific - Fun laws for work and play
    3. America's farms thrive on immigration
    4. Michigan must seize opportunities for criminal justice reform
    5. Practical and effective social media use for lawyers: Facebook edition


    1. Do you have shelter from the storm?


    1. Will more college athletes take on the establishment?
    2. Sharing or shaming? Tracking the homeless on social media is becoming more common
    3. Columnist fired after writing article critical of donor
    4. National Roundup


    1. Patchwork of laws poses legal quicksand for fantasy sports
    2. Immigrant heads home after sanctuary stay in church
    3. Official seeks $123,000 after mascot jumps on him