Duly Noted

 Summer law

programs for
junior high, high school students offered by Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center
Junior high and high school students can learn more about Michigan courts, and explore legal careers, during two week-long sessions offered by the Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center this summer. 
 The two student programs, entitled “Exploring Careers in the Law,” will be offered at the Michigan Hall of Justice in Lansing. The high school program, for students entering grades 10 through 12 in fall 2010, is scheduled for June 21 – 25 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day. Students entering grades 7 through 9 in fall 2010 are eligible for the junior high program, which is scheduled for July 19 – 23 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon daily. 
Rachael Drenovsky, Learning Center Coordinator, said, “The goal of the programs is to give students a real-life view of legal careers.” 
Students in the junior high program will explore a range of law-related careers through tours and activities.
Participants will meet with judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals, and observe proceedings at Lansing’s 54A District Court.
Participants in the high school program will pre-
pare for and participate in a “moot court,” similar to arguments before the Michigan Supreme Court. Participants will hear from justices, lawyers, and other legal
Registration for each program is limited to 20 students, selected on a first-come, first-served basis; the application deadline is May 14, 2010. The registration fee is a $75 donation to the Michigan Supreme Court Historical Society Learning Center Fund. 
All sessions will meet at the Michigan Hall of Justice, 925 West Ottawa Street, Lansing. Contact Rachael L. Drenovsky at drenovskyr@
courts.mi.gov or (517) 373-5027. Applications and additional information are available at http://www.courts.

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