Bar association, foundation hold annual meetings

The Macomb County Bar Association and the Macomb County Bar Foundation held their annual meetings and election of officers on the same date this year, and at the same place. Doing it that way, said MCBA President Anthony Bellanca, brings the two organizations together, “which in turn allows the foundation and bar association to meet, network, exchange ideas and learn more about what your bar association is all about.” Officers of the MCBA, gathered at Tina’s Country House in Macomb, include (left to right in photo on the left) Dana Warnez, treasurer; Gail Pamukov, secretary; Anthony Bellanca, president; Arthur Garton, immediate past president; and Charles Turnbull, president-elect.  Officers of the Macomb County Bar Foundation include (pictured on the right, left to right) John Kennedy, secretary, Gene Bolanowski, president, George Petersmarck, treasurer; Lynn Davidson, vice president; Brian Wassom, newly elected member of the board of directors.


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