Sabaugh to hold court at school

Students at Warren Woods Tower High School will get a first-hand look at how the legal system works when 37th District Court Judge Matthew P. Sabaugh holds court at the school Wednesday, May 26
Earlier this year, the court received approval from the State Court Administrator’s office to hear cases off-site at local schools.
Sabaugh has coordinated this special session with school officials and Joseph Vukich, Warren-Woods Tower Social Studies Teacher.
Sabaugh said the first “Court in School” session held last month at Warren Mott High School was a great success.
“The Mott students had a lot of great questions and they had an eye-opening experience about the legal system,” he said.
The judge believes next week’s special court session will hold great educational value to students. 
“I think it’s great for the students to see the Constitution in action and to get a better understanding of our country’s legal system,” he said. “They can also learn about different career opportunities in law and criminal justice.”
“Just as importantly,” Sabaugh said, “many of the cases they will see and hear will show them the consequences of poor decisions and help them to make smart decisions in their own lives.”
Sabaugh said the docket will include cases that will allow students to see the consequences of drug and alcohol use.
“This is an opportunity for these young people to hear how damaging effects of alcohol and drug abuse,” he said.
The program will include a short presentation by Sabaugh, his court staff and several local attorneys.

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