Appeals court hits milestone

The Michigan Court of Appeals reached a milestone on Sept. 7 —  the docketing of the 300,000th case to be filed with the court since it began operations in January 1965.
The appellate court serves an important role for Michigan litigants.
A party who believes that an error occurred in the lower court proceedings can ask the Court of Appeals to review the case.
Although most parties are represented by attorneys on appeal, about 14 percent of the cases are filed by parties who represent themselves throughout the appellate process without the assistance of an attorney.
The appeals court is effectively the “court of last resort” for most appeals.
Although the Michigan Supreme Court receives over 2,000 appeals each year — the vast majority from Court of Appeals decisions — in most cases the Supreme Court, after reviewing the case, declines to take the case on appeal and leaves the judgment of the Court of Appeals undisturbed.
Although it is one of the highest-volume appellate courts in the country, the Court of Appeals has an annual clearance rate of at least 100 percent — it decides as many appeals as are filed in any given year.
“This milestone is a reminder of the importance the Michigan Court of Appeals plays in the Michigan judicial system,” said Chief Judge William B. Murphy. “Importantly, behind these numbers are individuals, families, and governmental and business interests that turn to our judicial system for peaceful resolution of disputes. “I am grateful to the judges and staff, past and present, who have served the public with integrity, competence and dedication.”

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