Law students raise money for Adopt-A-Child Program

A number of Wayne State University Law School student organizations, under the leadership of the 313 Project and with the support of the Wayne Law Alumni Association, raised more than $1,000 to provide gifts of warm clothing to 20 Detroit-area children for the holiday season through the North End Youth Improvement Council’s Adopt-A-Child Program.

Participating Wayne Law student organizations included the Black Law Students Association, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Hispanic Law Students Association, National Lawyers Guild, American Civil Liberties Union, Health Law Association, Outlaws and Amnesty International.

“The 313 Project would like to thank the Wayne Law community for the impressive support in the Adopt-a-Child Program,” said Natalia Vieira Santanna, an event organizer. “Last year, we were able to help seven children. This year, we will be able to reach out to 20 children thanks to the support and donations of our students, student organizations, generous faculty, staff and alumni. On Dec. 3, each child will receive at least one winter coat, gloves, one special occasion outfit, one casual outfit and one age appropriate toy. These may be the only gifts these children will receive this holiday season. The Wayne Law community should be very proud of making such a positive impact in the lives of needy Detroit families.”

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