Campaign Finance Electronic Archives Now Available to the Public

The Muskegon County Clerk’s office has always provided campaign finance spending information to the public but they had to be physically present in Muskegon County Clerk’s office to access it.

Now, thanks to the efforts of Muskegon County Clerk, Nancy A. Waters, and her staff, citizens may access that same information from any computer with internet access.

As part of her platform when running for office two years ago, transparency and taxpayers’ access to campaign finance spending has been, and remains, a top priority for Muskegon County Clerk, Nancy A. Waters.

Since last spring, the staff in the Muskegon County Clerk’s Office has worked diligently using web-based software, allowing them to efficiently manage campaign finance information for local candidates and elected officials.

On the Muskegon County Clerk’s Website (, citizens may view what the upcoming deadlines are for filing reports and link to the on-line campaign finance reports that have been filed.

Available records from scores of candidates and elected officials are archived from 2007 to the present. Records filed before that time are available for 25 cents per page in the County Clerk’s Elections office located at 141 E. Apple Avenue, Second Floor, in Muskegon.

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