A Big Idea

   Students from Martin Luther King High School visited Schoolcraft Community College in Livonia on Wednesday, March 23 as part of the Improving Detroit through Entrepreneurial Advancement program (IDEA) presented by the Detroit office of the law firm Foley & Lardner LLP. During the session students heard from Foley & Lardner business attorneys and professionals from Doner Advertising on such topics as public speaking and job interviewing, as well as preparing business plans and how best to market products.
   IDEA is a six part series of seminars sponsored by the Detroit office of Foley & Lardner to help students develop entrepreneurial skills and provide mentoring by highly skilled business attorneys. 
   Facing ongoing economic struggles and continued out migration, Detroit is struggling to marshal the resources to invest in the key to tomorrow's success: the city's youth. Foley believes that, working together, community members can create an environment that fosters and attracts the brightest and best business leaders to stay, live, and thrive in Detroit.
   For more information on IDEA, visit www.foley.com/idea.

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