School bullying law in Senate rekindles debate

By Tim Martin
Associated Press

LANSING (AP) — Legislation that would require Michigan’s public schools to adopt anti-bullying policies took a small step forward Tuesday, winning unanimous approval from a state Senate committee.

The measure headed to the Senate floor would call for schools to implement policies prohibiting bullying or harassment.

But it’s not detailed or tough enough for some anti-bullying policy advocates, meaning the decade-long fight over the issue likely will continue.

“The purpose of this bill is to start down the path and make sure that every school has a policy,” said Sen. Rick Jones, a Republican from Grand Ledge and sponsor of the legislation that cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 4-0 vote. “I think that’s the first step, and I think that will help a great deal.”

An estimated 45 states already have passed anti-bullying laws. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has said it’s time for Michigan to join them.

Past proposals have bogged down over language about motivation for bullying and characteristics of victims.

Some proposals have included lists aimed at protecting bullying victims if they were targeted because of their sexual orientation, weight or other factors.

Many Republicans wouldn’t vote for those proposals, wary it was an attempt to carve out special protections for gay students or other groups.

The bill advanced Tuesday does not include language about motivation or characteristics.

A representative of Equality Michigan, a gay rights group, said the organization could not support the proposal as approved by the committee.

The bill would encourage schools to adopt policies including measures for reporting and investigating bullying incidents.

But the language approved Tuesday does not appear to mandate those types of provisions, leading some to say it doesn’t have enough teeth to be effective.

Kevin Epling of East Lansing, whose 14-year-old son Matt killed himself after a hazing incident in 2002, said he wants a more “comprehensive” bill than what the committee voted on.

“Form a team, get it done and have it in place by the new school year,” Epling said. “It can be done. They’ve had more than enough time.”

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