Daily Briefs, August 24

Kellogg defends Toucan Sam against Mayan group’s logo
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Kellogg Co. is asking a group working to defend Mayan culture to reconsider its logo, saying consumers can confuse it with Toucan Sam, the mascot of its Froot Loops cereal.

An attorney for the world’s largest cereal maker has sent a letter to the nonprofit Maya Archaeology Initiative saying Kellogg opposes the group’s bid to trademark its logo. The attorney suggests a settlement that would limit the group’s use of the image.

The Maya Archaeology Initiative, based in San Ramon, says there is little similarity. It says its logo is based upon a realistic toucan native to Mesoamerica, while Toucan Sam is a cartoon character with the coloring of Froot Loops.

The organization says that it hopes can resolve the matter with Kellogg, which is based in Battle Creek, Mich.

LAD meeting on land-contract scams rescheduled to Sept. 24
Legal Aid and Defender Association (LAD) has rescheduled a free public meeting to warn and educate residents of Detroit and Wayne County about the dangers of purchasing homes on land contracts.

Originally scheduled for Aug. 27, the meeting is rescheduled to Saturday, Sept. 24, at Plymouth United Church of Christ, 600 E. Warren Ave., one block east of the Chrysler Expressway.

Currently, LAD is representing victims of what appears to be a major residential property scam in the city and the county.  Out-of-state companies appear to be in the business of buying thousands of foreclosed homes for as little as a dollar each, then selling them to residents on land contracts for thousands of dollars without informing purchasers about past-due property taxes, utility bills or other liens on the homes that become the responsibility of the new owners.

LAD has filed a lawsuit in Wayne County Circuit Court in such a case claiming damages of more than $25,000 and is preparing to file additional lawsuits on behalf of other purchasers of these land contracts. For additional information, call (877) 964-4700 or visit www.ladadetroit.org.

Races scheduled on Sept. 25
The Oakland County Bar Association will present its 32nd annual Race Judicata on Sunday, Sept. 25 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Andover High School, Long Lake and Telegraph Road, in Bloomfield Hills.

The event will feature 5-kilometer and 10-km runs, as well as a 5-km walk. Team competition will be offered in both races with the top three finishing times tabulated for each squad, which are limited to five members.

The entry fee is $15 if registered by September 21. Race day registration costs $20. The cost for walkers is $10 in advance and $15 on September 25. Long sleeve T-shirts will be distributed to each entrant.

Registration information is available online at www.ocba.org or by calling (248) 334-3400. The event is sponsored by Dean & Fulkerson.

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