54A District Court celebrates Sobriety Court Graduation

Seven graduates are honored

By Roberta M. Gubbins

Legal News

All rise rather than casting out is the theme of Sobriety Courts because "when one person rises out of alcohol and crime, we all rise," said Honorable Louise Alderson, Sobriety Court Judge for 54A District Court, opening the Sobriety Court graduation ceremony.

"Because I want to recognize our seven graduates I will not ask each individual team member that assists the graduates to stand and be recognized but will ask all to rise," she said acknowledging the number of people necessary to the program.

Robin Osterhaven, Sobriety Court Coordinator, presented the graduates. Each came to the podium, supported by their family, friends, and counselors. Many commented on how the program changed their lives:

"I struggled with the program and I thank all of you for sticking by me and the opportunity."

"I now have 13 months of sobriety and I could not have done that alone."

"I now accept that I am an alcoholic and that acceptance allows me to go forward."

Jose, a Spanish speaker, who had to overcome a hearing problem, the language barrier as well as his alcoholism spoke through his interpreter saying that he was grateful for the help he received.

The graduates and their friends and family adjourned to the library where cake and refreshments concluded the ceremony.

54A's Sobriety Court program utilizes court and community resources to support individuals in developing and maintaining a substance free, sober lifestyle. Departments assisting include 54A probation with Heather Duhosky, Sobriety Court Probation Officer, and Osterhaven, Sobriety Court Coordinator. Other members of the team include the treatment providers, a defense attorney, the Ingham County Prosecutor, the Ingham County Sheriff's Department and the Lansing Police Department.

Each graduate must complete the required four phases of the program, which include:

Phase I: Beginning your sober lifestyle (12 week min)--weekly judicial review and meetings with probation officer, substance abuse counseling, random drug screening, 12 step meetings, random home visits, keeping a journal and payments to the court.

Phase 2: Creating your healthy living plan (12 week minimum)--judicial review every four weeks, meet with probation officer every two weeks, community service, complete a 'Healthy living plan and continue all other programs listed in phase 1.

Phase 3: Working your healthy living plan (12 week min.)--judicial review every six weeks, meet with probation every two weeks, 20 hours community service, 3month reviews with counselors and continue all other programs listed in phase 1.

Phase 4: Giving back, preparation for transition (16 week min.)--judicial review every eight weeks, meet with probation officer monthly, 3 month reviews with counselors, continue all programs in Phase 1, pay court fees in full and update your plan.

A Graduation ceremony is held when all phases completed and all fines, costs and restitution paid, however it is not the end for the graduates. The final phase, Living Your Plan , can last one to two years and is post-graduation. It requires judicial review and meeting with probation every three months, submitting monthly report form, three month reviews with counselors, 12 step program and random drug screening.

The 54A program is available to non-violent offenders who have been convicted of repeat misdemeanor drinking and driving offenses. The participants must live in the greater Lansing area. The program does not discriminate based on race, gender, sex or national origin, as long as they meet the original eligibility requirements. Non-eligibility criteria will include a history of violent offenses, drug delivery and sale and a significant mental health diagnosis.

The program, which began in 2005 was the City of Lansing's response to the serious community problem of drunk driving. In 2007, the Ingham County Sobriety Court Foundation, established by Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, was developed to support local sobriety courts to meet the needs of its participants.

Hon. Donald Allen, Jr, oversees the sobriety court program in 55th District Court in Mason and Hon. Janelle Lawless manages the treatment program in family court in which substance abuse is a significant factor. The goal is reunification of parents and children.

The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. For more information, contact Steven B. Robbins at 517-323-7500.

Published: Mon, Nov 7, 2011

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