Farewell festivities become a family affair

Where there's a law-related event in Washtenaw County, there's bound to be a Fink or two. Or four. That was the case at a recent retirement party for Frank Weir of The Washtenaw County Legal News, when brothers Karl and Jim Fink showed up, along with Karl's daughters, Mariah and Elisha. All four are local attorneys. Karl Fink was a district judge from 1979 to 1994 and a circuit judge from 1995-1997. The legacy began with Robert Fink, who graduated from Detroit College of Law in 1941 and was a district judge from 1973 to 1985. Since then, three sons, a son-in-law, six grandchildren and a granddaughter-in-law have followed in his footsteps. Karl's son, Joshua, and Josh's wife, Megan, practice in Washtenaw County. Jim Fink's son, Andrew, is an attorney in the USMC, stationed at Quantico, Va. Karl and Jim's brother, Andy, is retired from the practice of law and lives in Whitehall where he and his wife run a bed & breakfast. Attorney Steven Jentzen of Ypsilanti is married to Mary, the sister of Karl and Jim. John Fink (nephew to Karl and Jim) lives in Massachusetts and is working for an attorney in Connecticut while waiting for his bar results. Karl's daughter, Naomi, is currently studying for the bar. Published: Thu, Jan 12, 2012

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