Expansion of scholarship programs at Wayne Law

Wayne State University Law School has added funds to its existing need-based scholarships and expanded the Damon J. Keith Scholars program for the upcoming 2012-13 academic year. "Our scholarship programs make attendance at Wayne Law possible for talented, committed students who might not otherwise be able to afford law school or who think it is out of their reach financially," said Ericka Jackson, assistant dean of admissions. "With these additional funds, we can make even more of a difference. In addition to the increase in need-based scholarships at Wayne Law, the expansion of the Keith Scholars program adds new scholarships for graduates of underperforming high schools in Michigan, including Detroit Public High Schools, Jackson said. Scholarships also will be available to students with a parent who is a member of a specialty bar association, such as the Wolverine Bar Association. "Expanding the Keith Scholars program is a wonderful way to honor the legacy of Judge Keith, who himself graduated from Detroit's public schools," said Peter Hammer, professor of law and director of the Keith Center. "We are committed to education as a civil right. We need more talented lawyers from these schools." No special form is required to apply for these scholarships, Jackson said. All students applying to Wayne Law will be considered automatically at the time of admission. Published: Mon, Feb 20, 2012

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