At a Glance

Anti-animal fighting bills win House OK

LANSING (AP) — The state House has approved bills that would strengthen penalties for organized animal fighting.
The House on Tuesday voted on a legislation that would declare properties involved in animal fighting to be a nuisance. It would allow authorities to padlock the property and pave the way for the seizure and sale of its contents.
The goal is to stem the rise of animal fighting rings and dog fighting, particularly in the Detroit area.
One House bill is the same as a Senate bill unanimously passed in September as part of a three-bill package.
Republican Sen. Rick Jones sponsored the Senate legislation. He says he expects Gov. Rick Snyder will sign the package.
Supporters include the Michigan Humane Society and the State Bar.

Poll: Gay marriage gains support in state

EAST LANSING (AP) — A Michigan State University poll has found an increase in support for gay marriage in Michigan, with 56 percent of adults questioned saying they support the same-sex unions.
Michigan State economics professor Charles Ballard, who directs the quarterly State of the State Survey, says the increase in state support for same-sex marriage mirrors trends around the country.
The telephone poll of 1,015 Michigan adults was conducted over the summer.
Opposition to gay marriage stood at 39 percent in this year’s poll. Two years ago, 51 percent said they opposed gay marriage, while 48 percent supported it.

Guilty, no contest pleas filed in McCotter case

DETROIT (AP) — A former aide has pleaded no contest to forgery in an election scandal that ruined the political career of a longtime Detroit-area congressman.
Don Yowchuang, who was deputy district director to then-U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, assembled and delivered petitions that were supposed to get the Livonia Republican on the August primary ballot, a routine chore every two years. Many signatures, however, turned out to be fakes or photocopies.
Yowchuang pleaded no contest to 10 felony counts of forgery in Wayne County Circuit Court this week. Separately, McCotter’s former district director, Paul Seewald, pleaded guilty to nine misdemeanor charges of falsely signing a nominating petition as a circulator.
Yowchuang and Seewald still are trying to have a conspiracy charge dismissed.

Man jailed for mocking disabled girl

CANTON, Ohio (AP) — A northeast Ohio man accused of making fun of a young girl with cerebral palsy has been sentenced to a month in jail.
Canton Municipal Judge John A. Poulos ordered the maximum sentence for 43-year-old William Bailey, who pleaded no contest Tuesday to reduced misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and aggravated menacing.
The (Canton) Repository reports that Bailey was caught on cellphone video at a school bus stop in October making fun of how the 10-year-old disabled girl walks.
The video of him seemingly imitating her limp was disseminated online and on local TV news. Bailey denied he was mocking the girl, saying he was reacting to name-calling directed at his 9-year-old son.
Bailey apologized to the girl and her family in a statement.

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