Legislative session deals with flood of issues

By John Flesher
Associated Press
LANSING (AP) — It may take days, weeks or even longer to sort out the avalanche of bills enacted in the Michigan Legislature’s lame-duck session, as majority Republicans put their stamp on policies dealing with topics as diverse as property taxes, medical marijuana and even cockfighting.

A bitter clash over making Michigan the 24th state with a “right-to-work” law, which drew thousands of protesters to the Capitol and drew national attention, overshadowed the remainder of a lengthy agenda that included a rewritten measure allowing appointment of emergency managers for cities in financial peril.

Other bills sent to Gov. Rick Snyder for his signature imposed further restrictions on abortion, prohibited novice teen drivers from using a cell phone while behind the wheel, boosted a development project that could include a new arena for the Detroit Red Wings and designated the gray wolf a game species, which could lead to hunting seasons for the once-endangered predator.

“Many significant reforms were enacted that will provide for a safer, healthier and more prosperous future for all residents and will be instrumental in continuing Michigan’s comeback and creating more and better jobs,” Snyder said after lawmakers finally headed for home around 4:30 a.m. Friday, after 18 consecutive hours of debates, votes and closed-door strategy sessions.

Democrats accused GOP colleagues of ignoring the voters’ message from the November election, in which President Barack Obama carried Michigan by a wide margin and Republicans lost five seats in the state House.

They said it was no coincidence that one of the last bills Republicans pushed through would make it tougher to unseat elected officials, reducing from 90 days to 60 days the period in which people would have to gather enough petition signatures to force a recall vote.

"Cowardly, selfish, downright swinefully arrogant,” complained Sen. Tupac Hunter, a Detroit Democrat.

Here’s a look at some of the bills that became law in the just-ended session. Gov. Rick Snyder has signed some into law, while others remain to be considered.

RIGHT TO WORK: Nonunion employees no longer can be forced to pay service fees to unions, even though those workers get the same pay raises and other benefits that members receive. Snyder and GOP lawmakers said the new policy would make unions more responsive to members while improving Michigan’s business climate. Opponents said it would encourage workers to “freeload” and undermine unions by leaving them with less money to bargain for good wages.

EMERGENCY MANAGERS: After voters struck down a law Snyder championed that let him appoint emergency managers with authority to overrule elected local officials in financially distressed cities and school districts, the Legislature approved a new version. It gives local governments several options, including accepting a manager, declaring bankruptcy, undergoing mediation and entering a consent decree as Detroit has done.

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