Teen divisional 'Young Marine of the Year'?

 By Eric Dresden

The Flint Journal
SWARTZ CREEK, Mich. (AP) — Michael Borka could barely maintain his excitement when his mom awoke him to tell him Young Marines National Executive Director Mike Kessler was on the phone.
“I got up and got dressed as fast as I could ... it gave me a jump start, for sure,” Borka, 15, told The Flint Journal.

Kessler called to inform Borka that he was named “Young Marine of the Year” for Division 5.

Annually, one “Young Marine of the Year” is selected from in each of six divisions across the United States. From these six winners, only one will be named the national “Young Marine of the Year,” to be announced in June.

Because of the honor, Borka will travel to Guam and Iwo Jima for the Reunion of Honor tour.

“The main task is escorting veterans of the battle of Iwo Jima to the island,” Borka said. “We’ll also be helping the historical tour staff hand out water.”

There will be some exploration of the island, too, he said.

“I think everything else pales in comparison to this because it’s been my career-long goal,” he said. 

Borka has had much success in the Young Marines program, which is a national youth education and service nonprofit for members as young as 8 years old to high school seniors.

In October, the Swartz Creek sophomore was one of 18 invited to participate in the national symposium in Virginia to represent more than 10,000 youth from 300 Young Marines units across the nation.