Attorney, professor discuss rights of LGBT community

The Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus will host an address on Wednesday, March 5 focusing on the current and key issues facing the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community.

“Be in the Know: A Briefing on the Rights of the Worldwide LGBT Community” takes place at 7 p.m. at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills.

ACLU of Michigan LGBT Project Staff Attorney Jay Kaplan and University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) School of Law Director of the Immigration Law Clinic David C. Koelsch will lead the discussion.

The program is open to the public at no charge. Recent issues that will be among the topics of discussion include:

“It is very important that we come together as a community to make sure that everyone is treated equally,” said Holocaust Memorial Center Executive Director Stephen M. Goldman. “Regardless of who you are, be it Jewish, homosexual or simply a visitor from another country, denial of your basic rights is not something that should be tolerated.”

Kaplan has been the attorney for the ACLU of Michigan’s LGBT Project since 2001. Prior to working for the ACLU of Michigan, he was an attorney with the Michigan Protection and AdvocacyProject where he started the HIV/AIDS Advocacy Project.

In addition to his position at UDM, Koelsch is the legal director of Freedom House, a Detroit-based organization serving the legal, housing, medical, and psychological needs of asylum seekers.

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