Jones to deliver MLK Day address at Michigan Law

 In celebration of Martin Luther King Day, Race, Law & History Professor Martha Jones will present the MLK Day address, “The Children of Loving v. Virginia: Living at the Intersection of Law and Mixed-Race Identity.”

The event is set 4 to 5:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 19, in Room 1225 South Hall, Michigan Law School, 701 S. State St., Ann Arbor, and is open to the public.
A member of the Law School's Affiliated LS&A faculty, Jones is an associate professor of history and associate chair of U-M’s Department of Afroamerican and African Studies. Co-director of the Michigan Law Program in Race, Law & History, she holds a PhD in history from Columbia University and a JD from the CUNY School of Law. Her scholarly interests include the histories of race, citizenship, and slavery. 

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