Michigan Supreme Court to hear oral arguments Jan. 13

Whether governmental employees are required to join a union or pay union dues; whether employees in the state defined pension system are required to contribute 4 percent to that plan or switch to a defined contribution plan are questions before the Michigan Supreme Court in oral arguments next week.

The question in the first case on January 13, frequently called the “right to work” law, is whether public employers can require governmental employees to join a union or pay union dues or fees as a condition of obtaining or continuing public employment.

The question in the second case is whether employees in the state defined benefit pension plan must contribute 4 percent of their income to that plan or switch to the defined 401(k) contribution plan.

Additional cases scheduled for January 13 and 15 include questions about suppression of statements to police; plea discussions; right to a speedy trial; presentation of perjured testimony during trial; growing, possessing, and selling marijuana; sentencing guidelines; and jury awards in a complex contract action.

The Court will hear the oral argument in its courtroom on the sixth floor of the Michigan Hall of Justice on January 13 and 15, starting at 9:30 a.m. each day.

The Court’s oral arguments are open to the public.

The Michigan Supreme Court broadcasts its oral arguments and other hearings live on the Internet via streaming video technology. Watch the stream live only while the Court is in session and on the bench. Streaming will begin shortly before the hearing starts; audio will be muted until the Court takes the bench.

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