MAJ to hold workers' comp seminar

Do you have the tools and know-how to represent disabled workers in this new age? MAJ’s Annual Workers’ Compensation/Social Security seminar will provide practical advice about preparing and trying your case under the new MAHS rules and the latest caselaw. An expert panel will discuss what vocational proofs are needed to secure benefits — and to prevent benefit reductions because of a PIWEC. (Post Injury Wage Earning Capacity or Phantom Inaccessible Wages Estimated Cruelly?)  Another seasoned veteran will offer deposition tips on how to develop compelling and thorough medical proofs.
The seminar will be held Jan. 16 at the Westin in Southfield.

Lisa Welton and Robert MacDonald will serve as co-moderators.

Attendees will hear from a national expert from the WCRI regarding how Michigan’s comp system now compares with other states in terms of worker outcomes. Expert speakers will offer ideas about other remedies in employment law and under RICO that workers and providers can use to obtain justice and relief outside the workers’ comp system.  Attendees will also hear from several Social Security experts regarding the evolving practice. Stay current, engaged and informed to ensure that your clients maximize their recoveries and get the justice they deserve.

This seminar is open to non-MAJ members.  Visit for more information or call 517-321-3073.