Graduation Party

Oakland Mediation Center (OMC) conducted a graduation ceremony for its twelfth class of mediators from Western Michigan University Cooley Law School on Wednesday, April 29, at the WMU Cooley Auburn Hills campus. Speaking at the event were Oakland County Circuit Court Chief Judge Nanci J. Grant (front row, fifth from left) and OMC Executive Director Bonnie Hanes (front row, fourth from left). Among those participating in the ceremony were (front row, l-r) Brittany Capaldi, Randall Safier, Geraldine Kish, Clifford Camp, Brendette Walker, Purna Krishnamoorthy, OMC Education Manager Kenzi Bisbing, and Keali Heileman; (second row) April McKie, Cari Cooper, Alexander Berry-Santoro, Kelly Jex, and Michael Ruso; (third row) Francisco Vanegas, Katie Plegue, Daniel Bassir, and Terracina Echols; (fourth row) Karen Wentz, Mariam Ibrahim, Joseph Spencer, and Ian Jenkins; and (fifth row) Kristen Williams, Bradley Cochrane, Christopher Sinclair, and Kyle O’Mara. “The program prepares students for the real-world of mediation by providing experiential training and practical experience to WMU Cooley students while developing highly-trained mediators,” Hanes said.

Photo by John Meiu

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