Daily Briefs . . .

Arbitrator's ruling in ex-Compuware CEO’s case upheld by judge

DETROIT (AP) — A judge has upheld an arbitrator’s ruling that Compuware must pay $16.5 million to the company’s co-founder and longtime CEO after he was fired in 2013 from a consulting job.

The Detroit Free Press reports Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Daniel Ryan ruled Monday in the case involving Peter Karmanos Jr., who was stripped of vested stock options with the software and services business.

Ryan ruled that Compuware had no basis to second-guess, modify or vacate arbitrator Gene Esshaki’s decision in February to award the money to Karmanos.

Compuware could appeal again to a higher court. The company’s attorney Samuel Damren declined comment to the newspaper after Ryan’s ruling.

E. Powell Miller, one of Karmanos’ attorneys, says a further appeal would be frivolous.


State senator arrested in connection with weekend shooting

DETROIT (AP) — A state senator whose family is well-known in Detroit politics was arrested in connection with a shooting at his home involving a girlfriend and her car, police said Monday.

Virgil Smith was interviewed about the early Sunday incident, arrested and remains in custody, Police Chief James Craig said. A gun was also seized.
“There was no special treatment given,” Craig said.

No charges were immediately filed, but Craig said the investigation would be given to prosecutors for possible charges Monday. A message left at Smith’s office seeking comment was not immediately returned.

No one was injured, although the car, a Mercedes-Benz, was hit with gunshots, police said.

Smith, a Democrat, has been in the Legislature since 2003, first serving in the House. He is the son of Virgil Smith Jr., a Wayne County judge and former longtime state lawmaker.



WLAM - Wayne Region annual meeting May 15

The WLAM - Wayne Region annual meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 15 at the Hilton Doubletree Fort-Shelby, 525 W. Lafayette in Detroit. The keynote speaker will be Wayne County Prosecutor Kym?Worthy. Worthy will talk about Enough SAID (Enough Sexual Assault in Detroit), the unique partnership between the Detroit Crime Commission, the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, and the Michigan Women’s Foundation that is focused on testing more than 11,000 forgotten rape kits, investigating the crimes, and prosecuting the resulting cases. Cost is $30 for WLAM members and non-members and $25 for law students. To register, please send the registration form at this link https://gallery.mailchimp.com/2c8aa28486ac39253fe363648/files/WLAM_Wayne_2015_Annual_Meeting_Registration_Form.pdf and a check made payable to “Women Lawyers Association of Michigan-Wayne” to: Bari Blake Wood, 4426 3rd Street, Detroit, MI 48201. Space is limited, so please register early.

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