Cooley health law students host panel

Pictured are (l-r) Lisa DeMoss, WMU-Cooley associate professor and LL.M. director in Insurance law, Donna O' Connor, Patricia Schabath and Joshua Moore.

On Tuesday, May 12, the Health Law Society at Western Michigan University Cooley Law School's Auburn Hills campus and the Health Law Section of the Michigan Bar hosted a panel discussion focused on careers in health law and current issues in the field of health law.

The panel included Donna O'Connor, a Dykema healthcare compliance attorney in Bloomfield Hills; Hana Attar, associate counsel, Signature Healthcare Services in Troy; Patricia Schabath, counsel, Kerr-Russell in Detroit; and Josh Moore, assistant counsel, Trinity Health in Livonia.

WMU-Cooley Assistant Dean Lisa Halushka was also present.

"As students narrow their practice choices, it is important for them to hear directly from practicing members of the bar regarding the life style implications of careers in the law," she said. "Our accomplished health law panel discussed the value that a broad range of life experiences can bring to both an in-house transaction based practice and one spent representing health care practitioners in legal and regulatory proceedings. They stressed the importance of understanding accounting and the business imperatives of clients. And, they shared their personal stories of how they chose their particular areas of health law practice."

Published: Mon, May 18, 2015

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