Snyder praises Gadola at investiture ceremony

By Cynthia Price
Legal News

For the first time, Gov. Rick Snyder spoke at the investiture of a Michigan Court of Appeals judge.

That is not at all surprising considering the new judge is Michael F. Gadola, who served as Snyder’s chief legal counsel for three years, ending with his appellate court appointment in 2014. Former Judge James Robert
Redford took Gadola’s place.

“It was a great honor to have Mike as my legal counsel.  Mike took up the challenge, did the work, and got things done,” Snyder said at the recent swearing-in. “ If anyone had a conflict with appointing him to the bench, it was me because I would lose him in that role.

“But we all have to make sacrifices for the greater good,” he continued. Before his service to the governor, Gadola was counsel to the Michigan Supreme Court and general counsel to the State Court Administrative Office from 2001 to 2010. He was formerly House majority counsel, deputy legal counsel to former Gov. John Engler, and director of the Office of Regulatory Reform.

Gadola received his bachelor’s degree in international relations from Michigan State University’s James Madison College and graduated with honors from Wayne State University Law School.

His appointment came as a result of the retirement of Court of Appeals Judge William C. Whitbeck, which left a partial term opening.

Also on the dais at the April 29 ceremony, held at the Michigan Library and Historical Center in Lansing, were Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert P. Young Jr., former state Supreme Court Justice (and former director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services) Maura Corrigan and Court of Appeals Chief Judge Michael J. Talbot.

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