Wayne Law professor co-authors new edition of White Collar Crime

Wayne State University Law School Professor Peter J. Henning is co-author of the newly released fourth edition of White Collar Crime: Law and Practice.

The casebook is one of the leading treatments of the topic for law students. Its publisher, West Academic Publishing, is calling it an indispensable guide for students and practitioners alike. Co-authors with Henning are Judge Paul Borman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan and professors Jerold H. Israel of the University of Michigan Law School and Ellen S. Podgor of Stetson University College of Law.

"The fourth edition incorporates recent developments in the law of white collar crime, such as changes to mail and wire fraud prosecutions from the Supreme Court's decision in Skilling v. United States that limited honest services fraud, and the narrow reading of an obstruction of justice statute in Yates v. United States," Henning said. "We provide additional materials in a Statutory & Documentary Supplement and a website devoted to new cases and laws that change how white collar crimes are investigated and prosecuted."

The book is designed to promote student appreciation of the interaction of legal doctrines as they are applied in the white collar crime field. The material covers issues related to substantive criminal law, criminal procedure, administrative procedure, corporate law, evidence, civil procedure, sentencing law and highly specialized regulatory law. The casebook also allows students to appreciate the influence of administrative policies on the development of a white collar criminal practice. In addition to traditional materials in the casebook, a companion statutory and documentary supplement provides rich primary source material.

Henning teaches courses including White Collar Crime, Criminal Procedure and Criminal Pretrial Advocacy at Wayne Law. He joined the faculty in 1994. Since then, Henning has received a number of teaching awards, including the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Donald H. Gordon Award for Excellence in Teaching.

He graduated from Georgetown University Law Center in 1985. He was a senior attorney in the Division of Enforcement at the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission until 1991, working on cases involving insider trading, penny stock fraud, market manipulation and accounting irregularities. He then moved to the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, working in the Fraud Section on the investigation and prosecution of bank fraud.

Henning's scholarship focuses primarily on white collar crime, constitutional criminal procedure and attorney ethics. He frequently publishes articles and often is quoted in the media and asked to comment on legal issues. He is a neutral arbiter through the National Association of Securities Dealers Dispute Resolution arbitration program to resolve customer and broker claims involving securities. Henning also writes a regular column for The New York Times DealBook called White Collar Watch.

Published: Wed, Sep 09, 2015

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