Thursday Profile: Leah Brooks

Leah J. Brooks is an associate at Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis & Gotting, P.C. in Lansing, where her focus is on administrative and regulatory law, including telecommunications, public utilities, and oil and gas. 

Brooks was born in Eaton Rapids, where she currently resides with her husband Alex, a fifth grade teacher for Eaton Rapids Public Schools, their 3-year-old daughter Reagan, and two American Bulldogs, Mack and Tug. 

Brooks earned her undergraduate degree from Western Michigan University and her juris doctorate at Cooley Law School.

She serves on her Township’s Planning Commission, and is a member of the Michigan Association of Professional Landmen (MAPL), the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL), and the Michigan Basin Geological Society (MBGS).  

By Jo Mathis
Legal News

What are your most treasured material possessions?
The diplomas hanging on my office wall.   

What advice do you have for someone considering law school? Make sure you’re all in. It’s a huge investment both financially and mentally.

Favorite local hangouts: Breslin Center and Ukai.

Favorite websites: Google and Pinterest.

What is your happiest childhood memory? Camping with family at Pretty Lake in the U.P.

Why did you become a lawyer? Education is very important to my family.  My grandma was a professor at Eastern Michigan University, both of my parents graduated from Michigan State University, and my aunts and uncles went to the University of Michigan and Central Michigan University.  At a young age I knew I wanted to be part of a highly educated profession, and when I was 12 I decided I wanted to be a lawyer.    

What would surprise people about your job? I rarely go to court.

What do you wish someone would invent?
A different kind of cell phone signal/reception.  My service is awful.

What has been your favorite year so far? The 2000s in general have been pretty fantastic, it’s hard to pick just one year. 

What is your most typical mood? Usually positive.

Who is on your guest list for the ideal dinner party? Tom Izzo and Mark Dantonio.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be? See above.

What’s the most awe-inspiring place you’ve ever been? It’s a tie between Mt. Tamalpais just north of San Francisco, and Colorado Springs.

What is your proudest moment as a lawyer? In general, finally achieving the goal I’ve had since age 12, of having an awesome career. 

What do you do to relax?

How would you describe your home? It looks like a toddler and two large dogs live there.

What word do you overuse? Probably “Dude.”

What is one thing you would like to learn to do? Play chess.

What is something most people don’t know about you? I have a dirt bike.

What is the best advice you ever received? What my grandpa used to tell my dad, who in turn passed it down to me: “Stay out of traps.” (Still not really sure what it means, but it seems like solid advice.)

If you can help it, where will you never return? Any circus.

What do you drive?
A Kia Sorento.

What would you drive if money were no object? A Cadillac CTS-V.

Favorite place to spend money:

What is your motto? Always have a Plan B.

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