Dual purpose: Detroit-area police chief sets sights on law degree

By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News

When he was a young police officer, Corey Haines spent many hours in court — and while speaking with seasoned attorneys during those court appearances, realized he had a profound interest in the law that went much deeper than just law enforcement.

Recently promoted to chief of the Madison Heights police department, Haines is pursuing a law degree as a 2L evening student at Detroit Mercy Law.

“I most enjoy the quality of professors,” he said. “Their expertise, insight and their willingness to work with each and every student — whether it’s school related or on a personal level — is constant reassurance that I’ve chosen the best school to learn the law.”   

Haines credits a strong support system for enabling him to juggle the demands of law school, police work and raising a family.

“My wife has fully supported my career and my studies,” he said. “The law professors give adequate notice of reading and other assignments that allows me to balance my study time with my work schedule and family life.”   

Haines came to a law enforcement career during his first semester as a student in the aircraft engineering program at Western Michigan University, where he was offered a work study program with the campus police department.

“I immediately found my passion for helping people,” he said.   

Leaving WMU after one semester, he returned to his hometown of Vassar near Saginaw.

In 1991, he began working as a reserve police officer with the Vassar Police Department while earning his undergrad degree in criminal justice/ public administration at Saginaw Valley State University.     

He joined the Madison Heights Police Department in 1992 and, during his career as a patrol officer, has worked with the accident investigation team, motor carrier enforcement unit, special investigations unit and the K-9 unit.

His experience as a command officer includes road patrol sergeant, detective bureau commander and unit commander.    

Working his way up through the ranks, he attained the position of deputy police chief in 2013, where he assisted with preparing the annual budget and annual report, drafting policy and procedure, supervising daily operations at the police department.

Last December, he was appointed chief of police, succeeding retiring police chief Tony Roberts. His new appointment took effect Jan. 29.   

“I most enjoy being able to help people through some of their most difficult times and by creating a closer relationship between the citizens and the police department,” he

Haines and his wife, Heather, make their home in Madison Heights with their two children, ages 7 and 3.

In his leisure time, he enjoys camping, attending his children’s school events and completing small home improvement projects.   

A member of the Royal Oak First United Methodist Church, Haines gives back to his community by coordinating the law enforcement torch run for Special Olympics for southeast Oakland County.

He also reads to elementary and preschool students, volunteering at the Madison Heights Animal Shelter and presents safety lectures to local senior citizens.

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