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Woman fired by judge can’t collect $1.2 million from court

DETROIT (AP) — A woman who was awarded about $1.2 million after she was fired by a Dearborn judge still is struggling to get paid.

Julie Pucci is trying to collect from Dearborn’s 19th District Court, the home of Judge Mark Somers, but the Michigan appeals court says the local court is off the hook because the verdict against the judge was in his “personal capacity,” not in his public role.

Pucci claimed her rights were violated when her job as deputy administrator was eliminated in 2007 and she wasn’t promoted. She had complained that Somers sent religious messages on court stationery and was proselytizing from the bench. A jury awarded her $734,000, and a judge added more than $400,000 for legal fees.

Just days before the trial, Somers signed an order making the Dearborn court responsible for any liability related to firing employees. That’s why Pucci is trying to collect from the court.

“While we agree that a chief judge can adopt an indemnification policy that covers the court’s court employees and judges while acting in their official capacity, we do not believe that this power extends to indemnifying judges for liability incurred in their personal capacity,” the appeals court said in a 3-0 decision released Friday.

An attorney representing the Dearborn court said Somers exceeded his authority when he signed an order releasing him from any liability before the trial.

“A judge cannot procure funding to insulate himself from personal liability for a $1.1 million judgment arising from misconduct in office any more than he could unilaterally require the court to pay him a $1.1 million salary,” lawyer David O’Brien told the appeals court.

Pucci’s attorney, Joel Sklar, said he would ask the Michigan Supreme Court to take the case. If the Dearborn court doesn’t pay the verdict, Pucci would have to try to get the money from Somers.
A message seeking comment from Somers wasn’t immediately returned Tuesday. He’s been a judge since 2003.


Jaffe to develop impact investing program on behalf of Venture North Funding and Development

Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss, P.C. has been chosen by Traverse City-based Venture North Funding & Development (Venture North), a regional economic development non-profit that provides business financing and other services across northern Michigan, to implement an impact investing program focused on transforming ten northern Michigan counties with business and job expansion.

Jaffe partner Jennifer Oertel will be partnering with Romy Kochan, a managing partner with Gingras Global, in order to help the non-profit build the structure, tools, outreach and evaluation methods to attract investments and grants to dedicate towards impact investing. The Traverse City Rotary has already provided a $5,000 grant to Venture North to put towards developing the impact investing program.

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