How to become a valuable resource for journalists (and get quoted)

Claire Papanastasiou, The Daily Record Newswire

Given the number of attorneys in the United States (some 1.2 million practicing ones), it seems unlikely that the majority of these lawyers can become trusted resources for journalists. Before such a union can materialize, however, there are rules that apply for both parties.

The guidelines below focus on what attorneys can do to form mutually beneficial relationships with reporters.

Rule 1: The media do not work for lawyers, clients or firms

Simply put: Reporters are interested in getting a scoop and writing an article in a compelling, accurate way. To achieve this, they seek and cultivate relationships with people-in-the-know to glean information to report their stories. It’s up to the journalist to decide what the angle is, with whom to speak, and what information to use.

In short, they call the shots and decide what goes in a story and how it’s presented. Lawyers — no matter how high up the firm’s food chain — have no say.

On a positive note, however, a lawyer can have influence by controlling his or her message, understanding that reporters are human too and may make mistakes. There will always be an element of risk, which can be mitigated via PR prep and counsel (to a point).

Rule 2: Say something relevant, true … and on the record, please

One unspoken and obvious rule is that lawyers know their topics inside and out.

Information based on experiences is the currency reporters and readers crave. Focus on legal issues and their implications to various audiences depending on the media outlet. Get to know a reporter’s beat and his or her articles. A journalist may seem like an ideal contact given a recent story, though it’s best to review previous ones to get a sense of the person’s style and what he or she covered previously.

Reporters love trend pieces, so ask yourself why this is important and what’s next. The “what’s next?” question will help develop potential follow-up articles.

Client sensitivities are certainly legitimate concerns, though there are ways to work around commenting on a specific client by focusing generally on the legal issue and subsequent legal and business impact, and setting interview conditions (the latter point is a topic for a future column).

Providing realistic scenarios speak volumes with the media. There may be instances when conditions of a conversation will have to be set, though more times than not a lawyer can provide insight without compromising client relations, while building trust with a reporter.

Rule 3: Never blow off a deadline (or a reporter)

The reason reporters have deadlines is to feed the process of the news cycle. In this age, it’s about posting to the web as soon as possible to attract readers to a site.

Reporters are generally mindful of a lawyer’s time, and it’s fair to be mindful of theirs by keeping appointments.

If anything crops up at the last minute that forces a cancellation, check with an equally qualified lawyer as a replacement to speak with the reporter. That extra effort and attention to details resonate with the media.

Rule 4: Never ask to see an article before publication. Never.

Only a select few people are permitted to read a reporter’s article before it’s printed, so asking will only demonstrate a lawyer’s misunderstanding of the process and make the process awkward.

Only one thing annoys a journalist more than that, and that is providing juicy information and then saying, “That’s off the record, right?”

Certain media will agree to review quotes with a source, though that condition is set before the interview, not during or after.

Rule 5: Embrace media training

When it comes to seeking legal counsel, people rightfully defer to the lawyers. The same ideal should hold true in media training.

While not lawyers, PR counsel are just as valuable as legal advocates. Reputation is at stake in both cases, so lawyers, while wicked smaht (as we say in these parts), are best served by listening to a PR professional.

Rule 6: Follow-up, keep in touch, though don’t overdo it

After an interview, continue to keep reporters in mind. Send a brief thank-you email. Make investments by keeping in touch by providing information that is relevant and useful.

If a lawyer anticipates a regulation to kick in that would affect clients, chances are a journalist would like to cover it. Send a timely and germane client alert with a note saying that you are happy to discuss.

It’s simply a helpful gesture highlighting a lawyer’s knowledge and takes you one step closer to solidifying your status as a trusted media resource.


Claire Papanastasiou heads the professional services group at Matter Communications, a national public relations firm based in Newburyport. A former journalist at Lawyers Weekly and American Lawyer Media, she was senior PR manager at Bingham McCutchen before joining Matter.