Daily Briefs

Police request warrants in Michigan State assault case

EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Prosecutors say they’ve received warrant requests from police at Michigan State University in a sexual assault investigation that has led to the suspension of three football players from team activities.

The Ingham County prosecutor’s office says it expects police at the East Lansing school to provide more evidence in the case Thursday. Prosecutors anticipate making a decision on charges “in the short-term future.”

Names of the players haven’t been released. The school disclosed the case last week, saying that as part of the criminal investigation detectives were interviewing members of the coaching staff and other
relevant people following a complaint made in January.

The players also were removed from on-campus housing. A staff member associated with the football program also was suspended.


Team reviewing sexual assault allegations at Grand Valley State Univ.

ALLENDALE, Mich. (AP) — A criminal case review team has formed to look at sexual assault allegations on or near Grand Valley State University’s Allendale campus.

MLive.com says the update comes after the news organization last year reported some sexual assaults being disclosed to university staff were slow to reach police and some weren’t forwarded to the Ottawa County prosecutor’s office.

The team met last month and will meet monthly. Its members include law enforcement from Grand Valley State and the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department, an assistant county prosecutor and the victim advocate from the school’s Women’s Center.

Jesse Bernal, vice president for the division of inclusion and equity at the school, says the partnership will help encourage progress on cases.

The school has said its policies encourage quick reporting of alleged assaults.


Cotter elected to Michigan Chamber Foundation Board

Sandra Cotter, director of Dykema’s Regulated Industries Department and Leader of its Government Policy & Practice group, was elected to the Michigan Chamber Foundation Board of Directors. The charitable arm of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Michigan Chamber Foundation sponsors public policy studies on key business climate issues and also sponsors the Young Entrepreneurs Academy to guide middle and high school students with business start-up opportunities.

 Cotter is based in Dykema’s Lansing office. She has frequent contact with Michigan’s executive office, state legislators and various agencies, including the Department of Insurance and Financial Services and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. She is also a registered lobbyist in the state.

Cotter has been an active member of the Nonprofit Council for Charitable Trusts since its inception in 2004. She received a B.S. from Michigan State University and a J.D. from the University of Michigan.

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