Attorney achieves dream in boxing ring

By Kris Olson
BridgeTower Media Newswires

BOSTON — Clients often say they want their attorney to be a “fighter.” Those who hire Mansfield’s Nicolas A. Gordon are getting that in more ways than one.

Gordon earned the distinction of Southern New England Golden Gloves heavyweight champion on Jan. 13 in a close decision over Zachary Lee, following three two-minute rounds at the Police Athletic League Hall in Fall River.

Drawing inspiration from George Foreman, who became a world champion at age 45, and the “Rocky” films, Gordon, 39, achieved a goal that had been a pipedream several years ago, when he first wandered into the Box A Round Boxing Club in Stoughton and fell in love with the sport.

Helping him along the way has been his own version of Burgess Meredith’s character Mickey, 81-year-old trainer Bud Lakin, a Maine heavyweight amateur boxing champion who was 12-1 with seven knockouts as a professional.

Lakin has taught him to be “more of a boxer than a slugger,” staying up on his toes and fighting on the outside, using his long reach and lanky 6-foot-4-inch, 191-pound frame to keep his opponent from getting good angles to fire off punches, Gordon said.

In his Golden Gloves title fight, his approach contrasted with that of Lee, who came “charging in like a bull” and pressed the action, Gordon says. (See for yourself on YouTube.)

Lakin praises Gordon’s work ethic and punctuality, calling him a “dedicated guy” who “listens and pays attention.” He also credits Gordon, the first attorney he has trained, for leaving his argumentation skills in the locker room once he laces on the gloves.

“He’s pretty humble,” Lakin said. “He knows my reputation. Whatever I tell him, he knows it’s the law.”

Gordon isn’t all that concerned about head injuries and the more brutal aspects of the sport. Not only will his headgear and mouthpiece protect hisaidsays.

In fact, Gordon recommends the “sweet science” to fellow members of the bar. For one thing, he says he knows of no better form of stress relief than hitting a heavy bag or going a few rounds with a sparring partner.

But those who have trained as boxers also tend to carry themselves with a bit more confidence, he says, and learn lessons that may translate from the ring into the courtroom.

“In boxing, the shot that is the most damaging is the one the opponent doesn’t see coming,” he said.

Gordon served as an assistant district attorney in Norfolk County and now maintains a practice that is about “90 percent criminal defense,” though he says he has been handling more and more family law cases in recent years.

His most notable client has been Annie Dookhan, the former Hinton state drug lab chemist who ultimately pleaded guilty to 27 charges, including 17 counts of obstruction of justice and
eight counts of tampering with evidence.

Superior Court Judge Carol S. Ball sentenced Dookhan to three to five years in state prison. She was paroled in April 2016.

Dookhan’s aunt is a friend of Gordon’s cousin, which earned him a spot on a list of about a half-dozen attorneys Dookhan interviewed to represent her, he says.

His representation continues, insofar that Dookhan is summonsed in cases in which evidence she handled is being challenged. However, he’s not representing her with respect to civil claims brought by people wrongfully convicted based on evidence she falsified.

Gordon hesitates to discuss the high-profile client, lest he hinder her efforts to rebuild her life.

“All I can say is she is about one of the nicest people anyone would want to meet,” he said. “She is down to earth, a great mom, and a hard-working person.”

Meanwhile, he’s preparing for his next bout, which he thinks will be on April 6 at the Billerica Elks, in an annual fundraiser for the Burlington Rotary Club.

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