Court candidate shunned by some Republicans

LANSING (AP) — Some Michigan Republican campaign literature doesn’t include the name and photo of incumbent Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Clement, who was appointed less than a year ago by Gov. Rick Snyder.

It is the latest sign that Clement’s endorsement at the party’s August convention isn’t shared by all Republicans.

Republican Party spokeswoman Sarah Anderson tells The Detroit News that some activists aren’t happy with Clement. She said volunteers going door to door with campaign literature “have to buy what they’re selling.”

Clement joined a 4-3 decision that cleared the way for voters to consider a change in how Michigan draws districts for the Legislature and Congress.

The question will be on the fall ballot. The effort was opposed by Republican-friendly business groups.

Clement also upset some conservative gun owners with an opinion that said schools have the power to ban guns by visitors.

“She’s doing what she believes is right,” Anderson said. “Our grassroots (volunteers) disagree. We’re sort of at an impasse with that.”

Clement, who was counsel to Snyder before her appointment, said she “swore an oath to the people,’ not special interests.

Michigan Supreme Court candidates are endorsed by political parties but don’t carry a party designation on the ballot. Clement will be labeled an incumbent, along with Justice Kurtis Wilder. He has been featured in Republican campaign literature.

Clement told The Detroit News that she faced “bullying and intimidation” as she considered the redistricting case. She declined to identify the “outside interests.”

“People expect that we won’t be swayed or intimidated by outside groups,” Clement said.

Justice David Viviano said the court’s internal deliberations apparently were being leaked.

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