At a Glance ...

University creating new fund for Nassar victims

EAST LANSING (AP) — Michigan State University says it’s creating a new fund to help victims of sports doctor Larry Nassar, months after a similar program was suspended over fraud allegations.

Trustees responded to critics and voted unanimously Wednesday to help victims with the cost of counseling and mental health services. Trustee Dianne Byrum says a dollar amount and other details will be established later.

The previous $10 million fund was announced in 2017. But it was suspended and ultimately shut down by interim President John Engler, who said more than $500,000 was linked to fraud. Campus police said fraudulent claims weren’t made by Nassar’s victims.

Engler said the balance of more than $8 million would be put toward a $500 million lawsuit settlement with hundreds of women and girls. Nassar was sentenced to decades in prison for assaulting them with his hands.

Michigan’s 100th Legislature kicks off two-year term

LANSING (AP) — Michigan’s 100th Legislature has begun its two-year session.

Republicans opened the term Wednesday with smaller majorities in both chambers following the November election. They will have to contend with a Democratic governor for the first time since 2009-10, the last time Michigan had a divided government.

Legislative work is unlikely to progress much until Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivers her first State of the State address on Feb. 5 and proposes her first budget in early March. There are also a lot of new lawmakers who need to learn the ropes.

A record number of women, 53, are serving in the Legislature.

Police: Driver crashes trying ‘Bird Box’ blindfold challenge

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Police say a Utah teenager crashed into another car when she covered her eyes as part of the so-called "Bird Box Challenge."

Layton police Lt. Travis Lyman said the 17-year-old drifted into oncoming traffic and hit another car after she pulled a hat over her eyes to emulate "Bird Box," a Sandra Bullock movie on Netflix where characters must be constantly blindfolded to avoid visions that urge them to die.

Videos of people trying to do things while blindfolded have attracted widespread attention online, and Netflix tweeted a warning about the challenge earlier.
No one was hurt in the crash north of Salt Lake City last week.

Lyman says it should serve as a warning he never thought he'd have to give: Don't drive while blindfolded.

Police: Man doing doughnuts crashes car

RIVERSIDE, Ohio (AP) — Police say a man doing doughnuts in a car he had just bought struck a power pole in Ohio, sending him and his two children to the hospital.

Authorities tell the Dayton Daily News the man was doing the stunt in his Pontiac G8 in a snowy parking lot in Riverside on Wednesday afternoon.

Police say the man apparently lost control and hit a live power pole, knocking the pole over and leaving the car with a crumpled front end.

The man and his two children were hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

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