Request for Proposal: City of Roosevelt Park


The City of Roosevelt Park, Michigan is accepting sealed proposals for:

Fertilizing & Weed Control of Approximately
Eight (8) Acres of City Property and Sidewalk
Weed Control Throughout the Business District.

Proposals will be received and publicly opened at the following place and time:

    PLACE: City of Roosevelt Park City Hall,
                   900 Oak Ridge Road

    DATE:   Friday, February 22, 2019

    TIME:    1:00 p.m.

Proposals are to be submitted on the Specification/Price sheets provided by the City and all blanks are to be completed. Proposals shall be in a sealed envelope, clearly identifying the proposal title, and submitted to the City Clerk at Roosevelt Park City Hall, located at 900 Oak Ridge Road, Roosevelt Park MI 49445.

The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to make partial awards in the best interest of the City.

For Further Information Contact:

Steven Biesiada, DPW Superintendent
900 Oak Ridge Road
Roosevelt Park, MI 49441
(231) 755-3721 ext. 1955

Publish:  2-15-2019

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