At a Glance ...

New prosecutor hits pause in two key Flint water cases

FLINT (AP) — A lawyer who has taken over prosecution of Flint water criminal cases says she needs more time to review charges against a former city manager and ex-public works director.

Fadwa Hammoud of the attorney general’s office says she’s doing “due diligence.”

She told a judge on Thursday she’s not ready to proceed against Darnell Earley and Howard Croft.

“There's a lot of things in this case that I do not agree with,” she said.

Earley was a state-appointed emergency manager when Flint used the Flint River for water without treating it to reduce corrosion. Lead infected the system.

Earley is charged with conspiracy and misconduct in office.

Croft is charged with conspiracy.

Todd Flood, who was lead prosecutor for three years, had said he would present evidence to support additional charges of involuntary manslaughter.

Washtenaw County keeping 17-year-olds out of adult jail

ANN ARBOR (AP) — Older teens facing criminal charges in the Ann Arbor area will be moved out of a jail and away from adults.

Washtenaw County says 17-year-olds awaiting trial or a sentence for non-violent crimes will be housed in a juvenile detention facility, even if they’re charged as adults in local courts.

Sheriff Jerry Clayton says placing teens with adults in jail “does not make our communities safer.” He says a juvenile facility can better offer age-appropriate services.

There are efforts in the state Capitol to pass legislation that would classify 17-year-olds as minors, not adults, in Michigan’s criminal justice system.

Washtenaw County says it’s taking “incremental steps” by treating older teens differently while in custody while lawmakers discuss broader possible changes.

Missouri lawmakers back drone prohibition near prisons

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri lawmakers are advancing legislation that would make it a crime to fly a drone near a prison or mental hospital because of concerns that drones could be used to deliver drugs or weapons.

A bill passed Thursday by the Senate would make it a felony offense, with punishments getting increasingly tougher if the drone was delivering drugs, aiding an escape or bringing guns, knives or other weapons to inmates.

A version passed earlier by the House carried similar felony penalties while also making it a misdemeanor to purposely fly a drone within 300 feet of a prison, jail or mental hospital for any reason.

For a bill to go to the governor, both chambers must pass identical versions.

Town calls for hefty fine, jail time for barking dog owners

SADDLE RIVER, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey town is putting some bite in an ordinance that could result in hefty fines and even jail time for owners of barking dogs.

The Saddle River council is amending a one-sentence noise rule by placing time restrictions that would prohibit dogs from barking for more than 20 minutes between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. or for more than 15 minutes between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Violators would face a fine of up to $1,000, up to 90 days or up to 90 days of community service.

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