How managers can become leaders

By Lauren Dixon
BridgeTower Media Newswires

“Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”
— Stephen Covey

When you think about the supervisors and directors in your company, do you consider them to be managers, leaders or both? Do they focus on details, timelines and budgets? Do they nurture, inspire and motivate? Many people can do it all. And if they can be both leaders and managers, they will be better equipped to help advance your company culture.

So what’s the difference, and how can we help our people harness the qualities for both?

Management is focused on the here and now: current projects, near-term deadlines, immediate resource allocation. Managers make sure projects run smoothly, accurately and efficiently.

Leadership qualities are those that spark passion, creativity and innovation, rallying teams around a company mission and vision. Leaders have a big-picture focus on long-term objectives, while always looking out for their people — and their people look to them for guidance and direction.

Different but equal

The topic of leading versus managing can get controversial, because some people think one is inherently better than the other. That’s not the case, of course, and history is chock-full of powerful leaders who have used their leadership skills for wonderful good — and bad. The same goes for managers. And when you look at the comparisons below, you’ll see that both roles are necessary to a company’s success.

• Managers make sure teams get the job done, on time and on budget. Leaders get people to want to do the job, on time and on budget.

• Managers create the processes. Leaders develop the strategy and vision.

• Managers are focused on today. Leaders think about tomorrow.

• Managers describe what we have to do. Leaders tell us why we have to do it.

• Managing is about the work. Leading is about the people doing the work, why they’re doing it and where it will take the company.

Why make the comparisons? Because while most supervisors and directors do some leading and some managing, they tend to spend too much time managing and not enough time leading. But by shifting the balance, I believe we can set the stage for better outcomes, greater efficiency and increased satisfaction overall.

Begin at the beginning

Historically, managers have been taught to manage, not lead. Their training has focused on how to assign and evaluate work, run projects, and handle performance and staffing issues.

Unfortunately, that view of management doesn’t do much to promote company culture. So what are the skills and traits your managers need to strengthen to become stronger leaders?

• Communication: Being able to express themselves clearly and succinctly, verbally and in writing, in front of a group.

• Drive: The tenacity and determination to motivate everyone, even those who may feel discouraged.

• Optimism: The ability to stay positive and redirect attention to the bright side.

• Creativity: The innovative thinking required to solve problems and discover efficiencies.

• Self-awareness: Understanding personal limits, opportunities for growth and when to delegate work.

• Credibility: Being trustworthy, honest and believable.

• Emotional intelligence: A deep understanding of people and what makes them tick, as well as how to give and receive criticism.

• Accountability: Taking own­ership and responsibility for decisions, actions and commitments.

• Passion: Joyful, spirited dedication to keeping the flames of inspiration burning day in and day out.

• Open-mindedness: Being flexible and open to new ideas and changes in direction.

Developing leadership skills

Listing the top leadership skills and characteristics is a great place to start. But how do you go about developing them? Here are some steps managers can take to help strengthen the desired skills.

• Focus on quality vs. quantity. Keep the emphasis on the quality and value of the work rather than the numbers. It’s the difference between congratulating your team for completing 15 websites in a month versus for creating a website that generated results that surpassed client goals.

• Share your knowledge. Leaders make a point of sharing their experience and expertise to help others learn and grow. That’s how they become thought leaders, influencing others and drawing people to them for advice.

• Empower vs. control. Rather than using power and control to get the work done, think about motivating people and giving them the power to do their best work.

• Find a mentor. Connect with an experienced leader who can act as a mentor, providing feedback, guidance and tips.

• Participate in the work. Shift from directing to participating by sharing some of the tasks, delegating others, providing guidance and
encouraging team members to support one another.

• Know when to follow. Seek input and ask for ideas. Recognize when a team member knows more than you about a topic and be open to learning from them, encouraging your team members to learn from each other, as well.

• Sharpen listening skills. Listening is the foundation of leadership. It’s how you connect with teams and build trust and relationships. So brush up on the basics: maintain eye contact, respond with feedback, use body language and put down your phone.

• Act as a coach. Treat training and teaching as coaching, offering instruction on the technical skills, of course, but also incorporating motivating pep talks and creative inspiration to build confidence.

• Promote teamwork. Spark conversation and collaboration among team members. Recognize and reinforce each person’s contributions and encourage participation in group brainstorming and planning meetings.

• Model discipline. Good judgment and discipline are key to building credibility as a leader. That means attending all meetings, being on time, sticking to deadlines, and following the expected written and unwritten company rules and policies.

Bring it all together

We need to reframe our thinking so leaders and managers are no longer two different people in our organizations, but one and the same person. After all, a great workplace is one that emphasizes creativity and innovation — while also getting the work done. One where people are engaged and empowered — while also working efficiently. One that attracts the brightest minds and is poised to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world.

“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.” — John Maxwell
Lauren Dixon is CEO of Dixon Schwabl Inc., a marketing communications firm, which has been honored as a best place to work.