Above and below, construction on the millage-funded changes to Lincoln Park School took place before Gov. Whitmer’s “Stay Home” order.
Like many businesses during the current restrictions enacted to try to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, construction companies are facing what may become severe economic losses.
But construction companies have an additional challenge: it is difficult to know whether they are or are not allowed under the Michigan “Stay Home” order.
The State of Michigan website now has a very useful Frequently Asked Questions page, at https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98178_98455-522631--,00.html
Though still not clear, with ambiguity centering on the term “necessary to sustain or protect life,” the answer reads:
“Some limited forms of construction are permissible, including construction to maintain and improve essential public works like roads, bridges, the telecommunications infrastructure, and public health infrastructure. Construction workers may also undertake such projects as necessary to maintain and improve the safety, sanitation, and essential operations of residences. In addition, businesses may designate construction firms to provide the necessary support to the work of the businesses' critical infrastructure workers.”