At a Glance ...

County treasurer extends foreclosure redemption period

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Macomb County Treasurer Lawrence Rocca announced Monday that Circuit Court Judge Carl J. Marlinga had granted an order amending the county’s judgment of tax foreclosure dated Feb. 10.

Rocca said any taxpayer who owed 2017 delinquent property taxes and had not obtained obtain a payment would have had until March 31 to redeem a property from tax foreclosure.

The new order allows a taxpayer in such a situation to redeem a property from tax foreclosure through May 29, or 30 days after the end of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s order declaring a state of emergency, whichever is later.

After that time, Rocca said, properties with any remaining 2017 or prior taxes owing would be subject to foreclosure unless a payment plan has been entered into with his office.

He urged anyone who might be affected to contact his office at 586.469.5190 or to get a deferral from tax foreclosure beyond the
time frame contemplated by the governor’s order.

Rocca also announced the closure of his office to the general public would be extended until Friday, May 1.

Federal court issues  COVID-19 Update

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan announced Friday that 10 court security officers had exhibited symptoms similar to COVID-19, four had been hospitalized and two were diagnosed with the virus.

The officers were in the building between March 12-21. The building was closed March 24 for disinfecting and the entire staff was sent home. The courthouse will remain closed indefinitely. The identities of the officers are not being disclosed.

Security officers at both the district courthouse and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court across the street were sent home to self-monitor for 14 days. Bankruptcy Court is closed and being deep cleaned as well.

Court staffers were advised to contact their supervisors if they exhibit symptoms. For the time being, most are working remotely by computer and telephone.

Thieves steal toilet paper at Sleeping Bear Dunes’ restrooms

EMPIRE (AP) — Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in northern Michigan has closed all of its restrooms after vandals ransacked them and made off with toilet paper and hand sanitizer, two items made scarce by the coronavirus pandemic.

Park Superintendent Scott Tucker said vandals unrolled entire rolls of toilet paper and broke plastic dispensers in the restrooms to steal bags full of hand sanitizer the weekend of March 21-22.

In response, the park locked all of its restrooms, including rustic vault toilets, because they lack items needed for visitors to safely use them.

Tucker told he anticipates the park will eventually reopen a few vault toilets, but only when enough supplies are available, including personal protective equipment for park staff to safely clean and maintain those facilities.


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