Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners appoints two new members to the Washtenaw County Road Commission

At the May 20 meeting, The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners appointed two new members to the Washtenaw County Road Commission. The move comes after the Board passed a resolution in March to expand the Road Commission from three to five members. Sue Shink, the BOC’s road commission liaison, led the process of restructuring. 

The two appointees, Gloria Llamas of Pittsfield Township and Joann McCullum of Ypsilanti Township represent two of the county’s largest municipalities. Neither township has had representation on the road commission in recent years.

And for the first time, the Washtenaw County Road Commission will have a female majority on the board.

The board hopes the expansion and new appointments will increase diversity of perspective, life experience, demographics and geography.

The addition of McCullum and Llamas, who join current chair Doug Fuller, Barb Fuller and Roderick Green, ensures the road commission has representation from all over the county.

McCullum is a former social worker and educator with extensive experience in community development and organizing.

She has a passion for civic engagement and also serves as a member of the Health Department’s Community Leadership Team and is president of the New West Willow Neighborhood Association.

Llamas has worked in the for-profit and non-profit sectors as a communication professional and union leader.