Gun sales rising amid fears of more regulation, unrest

BALTIMORE (AP) — Gun sales are booming in Maryland.

The Baltimore Sun reported Monday that Maryland has seen a more than 76% spike in background checks this year compared to last year.

This number doesn't represent the number of actual gun sales. But it's a sign of the growing demand for firearms. Background checks have been up 49% nationwide.

Research consulting group Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting said that gun sales are at a all-time highs across the country.

Timothy Lytton, a professor at Georgia State University, said that gun sales traditionally spike due to two factors. One is when a Democrat might win the White House. Another is when people think regulations will become more strict following a mass shooting.

Carroll County gun store owner Dan Hartman said the increase is due to the uncertainty people feel about coronavirus pandemic as well as frequent protests in major cities. He also cited President-elect Joe Biden, who is a gun control advocate.

"I don't know if that's something you necessarily have to worry about in your home, but people are scared," said Hartman, who owns Maryland Elite Firearms in Finksburg.