Michigan bans open carry of guns inside state Capitol

LANSING (AP) — A state panel on Monday banned the open carry of guns in Michigan’s Capitol, a week after an armed mob rioted in the U.S. Capitol and following a plot last year to storm the statehouse.

Moves to ban weapons at the statehouse have been pushed since April, when protesters opposed to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's COVID-19 restrictions, some armed with long rifles and other weapons, entered the Michigan Capitol demanding to be allowed onto the floor of a legislative chamber that was closed to the public.

The Michigan State Capitol Commission, which is responsible for overseeing the Capitol, had been reluctant to issue rules for firearms, but it shifted course Monday and issued the order to ban the open carrying of weapons.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, who previously said the commission shouldn't be responsible for creating weapons policies, said last week that he would support an open carry ban after violence erupted at the U.S. Capitol by a mob of President Donald Trump's supporters.

A spokeswoman for incoming House Speaker Jason Wentworth said he wants everyone to abide by the rule, even though he doesn’t believe the commission had the right to issue it.

Sen. Dayna Polehanki pushed an effort to ban all firearms from the Capitol by introducing legislation last year that died in session. The Livonia Democrat said Monday before the panel vote that an open carry ban does not go far enough and will lead to a false sense of security for those who work at and visit the Capitol.

“Bullets are bullets,” she said no matter what kind of gun a person brings.

“There is no reason any gun belongs in the Capitol, it’s absurd, the world thinks it’s absurd," Polehanki said. "It sickens me that this is even being considered as a viable action.”


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