At a Glance ...

SBM offers online seminar on ‘The Paperless Law Firm’

The State Bar of Michigan’s Practice Management Resource Center (PMRC) will host the virtual seminar “The Paperless Law Firm – A Digital Dream,” on Wednesday, Nov. 17.

Speakers Daniel Siegel and JoAnn Hathaway will provide policies, procedures and best practices to attorneys looking to go paperless or use less paper in their law firm.

The seminar will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. via Zoom. It is free and available to all State Bar members. 

Visit to register.

Distinguished Brief Award Ceremony to be conducted online

Western Michigan University Cooley Law School will host the 36th Annual Distinguished Brief Award Ceremony online Thursday, Nov. 18, beginning at 6 p.m. via Webex.

The keynote speaker will be Michigan Court of Appeals Chief Judge Christopher Murray.

The ceremony recognizes the most scholarly briefs filed with the Michigan Supreme Court. 

The winning briefs will be published in an upcoming edition of the WMU-Cooley Law Review.

Registration can be completed by visiting

Court will take new look at masks in religious schools

LANSING (AP) — A federal appeals court will reconsider a challenge to COVID-19 mask orders affecting students in a religious school.

The case involves Resurrection School in Lansing. But any result would cover other faith-based schools in Michigan and set a precedent as well in Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee, three more states in the 6th Circuit.

Resurrection and some parents sued in 2020, saying a state mask order violated the free exercise of religion, among other objections. A federal judge in Kalamazoo, however, turned down a request for an injunction, and a three-judge panel at the appeals court affirmed his opinion in August.

But the full appeals court now has agreed to set aside the panel's work and start over.

In seeking a new hearing, attorneys for Resurrection said the panel applied the wrong legal standard last summer.

The scene has changed some since the lawsuit was filed. The state health department dropped school mask orders, instead deferring to county health departments. Ingham County, where Resurrection is located, is requiring masks in schools.

The COVID-19 vaccine has also been available for months and children ages 5-11 have been added to the list.

As a result, some counties are planning to drop mask mandates.


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