Daily Briefs

OCBA Board to be put to the test at Top Golf March 10

The New Lawyers Committee of the Oakland County Bar Association will once again face the OCBA Board of Directors at the 17th annual New Lawyers vs. The Board Challenge on Thursday, March 10 beginning at 6 p.m. 

“We are excited to be back in person at Top Golf in Auburn Hills,” said a spokesperson for the OCBA. “Join us for dinner, drinks and friendly competition between the New Lawyers Committee and the Board. The Board will be looking to reclaim the trophy this year after losing it at last year's virtual escape room challenge.

“Everyone can join – you don't have to be on the Board or a member of the New Lawyers Committee, but you will have to pick a side to represent,” the spokesperson noted. “You also don't need golf skills to participate, and there is opportunity to register just as a spectator.”

The cost is $30 for participants and $20 for spectators. To register, visit www.ocba.org. The Top Golf facility is located at 500 Great Lakes Crossing Drive, Auburn Hills.


Attorneys to discuss ‘Policy Compliance in Today’s Virtual Workplace’

Plunkett Cooney will present a webinar on “Remote Control—Ensuring Policy Compliance in Today’s Virtual Workplace” Wednesday, March 16, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Working remotely is a popular byproduct of the ongoing pandemic, and many believe it is here to stay for a significant portion of the country’s business community. Managing employees who work remotely full-time or on a hybrid basis remains one of the more difficult aspects of this new normal.

Navigating the pitfalls and issues emerging from today’s remote workplaces is the focus of this complimentary webinar. Plunkett Cooney’s employment law attorneys Laura M. Dinon and John S. Gilliam will review some of the more common issues and provide insights for employers on how best to address them.

Topics will include:

• The latest on COVID-19 regulations and vaccines

• Tax considerations

• Workers’ compensation

• Performance management

• Data and equipment security

• Equity considerations

• Defining the workday and limiting overtime liability

• Dealing with equipment and supplies

• Periodic or full-time returns to the office

This free webinar is designed to benefit business owners, executives, human resource professionals and EPLI insurance providers. To register, visit www.plunkettcooney.com/perspectives-events.

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