Daily Briefs

‘Best Practices for Election Audits’ examined in webinar April 14

Wayne State University Law School’s Voting Rights and Election Law Society and the Levin Center at Wayne Law will host a virtual panel discussion on “Best Practices for Election Audits” Thursday, April 14, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Properly administered election audits are one of the most important tools states can use to improve voter confidence and election security. In 2020, however, state legislatures in multiple states used audits for the opposite goal of undermining the public’s faith in elections and the electoral results themselves. 

At this webinar, representatives from the Brennan Center for Justice and the R Street Institute will discuss the audits that followed the last election cycle and explore options to strengthen oversight of our elections going forward. 

To register for the webinar, visit https://levin-center.org.  Anyone with questions may email levincenter@wayne. edu.


Man pleads no contest, sentenced in threat against circuit court judge

A Macomb County man charged in connection to a threatening voicemail left for a circuit court judge pleaded no contest and was immediately sentenced, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Tuesday. 

Robert Scruggs, 44, of Mt. Clemens, was arraigned in December on one count of misdemeanor malicious use of a telecommunications device. 

In mid-August, Judge Richard Caretti at Macomb County Circuit Court received a two-minute voicemail that included death threats.  Scruggs was determined to be the caller.   

Tuesday morning, Scruggs pleaded no contest to the charge in Macomb County’s 41-B District Court. Judge Jacob Michael Femmineneo immediately sentenced him to two years of reporting probation and a mental health screening.  

As part of the sentence, Scruggs must abide by all recommendations of a mental health evaluation, including counseling and/or medication recommendations. Scruggs was also ordered to have no contact with Caretti and his staff. If Scruggs violates his terms of probation, he will be sentenced to jail time. 

“My office will continue to take direct threats against public officials seriously,” Nessel said.

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