The Expert Witness: Bronze-Age Measurement of Ancestral Real Estate (Part Two of a Series on Sacred Geometry in the Economics and Law of Real Estate)

Part two of series on sacred geometry in the economics and law of real estate

By Dr. John F. Sase
Gerard J. Senick, chief editor
Julie G. Sase, copyeditor
William A. Gross, researcher

"They discuss and teach youths about the heavenly bodies and their motions, the dimensions of the world and of countries, natural science, and the powers of the immortal gods."

-Julius Caesar, commenting on the British Druids during the Bronze Age ("Writings on Druids," Religious Tolerance,

A Matter of Weights and Measures

Throughout the world, Real Estate Law requires precise and comprehensible measures of all of the areas of our planet. As we have seen from many of the events of 2022 thus far, the accurate measure of national boundaries is of paramount importance on the world stage. With respect to ownership rights, Real (aka Royal) Estate remains vital in a world of many natural and human-made borders. Throughout history, many systems have been applied in the quest for greater accuracy in assigning these rights and continue to be used across Planet Earth. Throughout recorded millennia, more than 250,000 different measurement systems have appeared. Though the results of these systems occasionally conflict with one another, most of those in favor today remain convertible with each other without great difficulty.

King John of England signed the Magna Carta ("Great Charter of Freedoms") in 1215 AD. Since then, this document has defined both the laws and the rights of the English people. When the Charter was signed, the British still preferred to use three different ancient standards of measurement. These old but coherent standards have remained reproducible alongside the Metric System of recent times. During the Sixteenth Century, Queen Elizabeth I created the British Imperial System, which used at least one of these ancient systems to develop standards of length and volume and another to establish standards of weight. As the measurement of a Pint equating to a Pound, which had existed for more than 5000 years, gave way to the birth of new measurement systems, the old British Naval slogan of "a pint is a pound the world around" no longer held true. Meanwhile, the British Government adapted other lengths and volumes of measure from the Ancient Sumerian Lunar Standard of Lagash to form the British Imperial Standard. Nevertheless, the English continued to use the "Wool Pound" (literally, a pound of sheep's wool), which dates back through the Etruscans to Sumeria, as the preferred standard of weight. At one point, a Sumerian Standard of measurement may have travelled to Ancient Britain, Early Japan, and the Americas four or more millennia ago.

The Metric System was established in 1795. Within the last few centuries, it has swept across the world and continues to serve as a dominant system of measurement. However, we cannot consider the British Imperial and the Metric Systems as truly "new" because many similar measurement systems have emerged throughout Planet Earth during the past 5000 years.

Basic Real Estate Geometry

During the Bronze Age, the conception of pyramids and related structures and their construction required a working knowledge and the use of the square, the triangle, the circle, and the five-sided pentangle.

With respect to these measures of Real Estate, early Druidic activities in Britain raise a number of questions. In their book "The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients" (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006), Robin Heath and John Michel pose the following sets of questions:

1) How did prehistoric people establish locations and the distances between them with a high degree of accuracy?

2) These people needed rods, ropes, and related tools to maintain a standard of length. Where are the remains of these tools?

3) When did this agrarian tribal society, which presumably ate from crude pots, become motivated to measure angles or long lengths accurately, over often-rugged terrain?

4) More importantly, how did these ancient surveyors determined the size and shape of our planet?

5) How did they measure latitude, longitude, and other basic geometry over extended distances?

The Mediterranean World

The queries from the preceding section help us to form important and relevant questions as we proceed on our quest of the curious alignments established during the early ages of humankind. Furthermore, how can such measures help us to solve the mysteries beneath these alignments? The epoch for discovering and unraveling the sciences of surveying and geodetics extends over the preceding millennia and into the present. With respect to the science of geography, we may reference Ancient Greek authors of the Fourth to Sixth Centuries BCE. Our more orthodox historical records credit Anaximander of Alexandria with the distinction of inventing maps, even though many maps that predate that era have emerged more recently.

Within a century of Greek map-development, Thales of Miletus announced that Planet Earth is a sphere. However, modern thought tends to argue that the ancient Greeks reflected on philosophy rather than on facts acquired from the scientific observation of our Solar System or from experimentation. However, if their ancient evidence remains verifiable, Heath and Michel wonder in The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth why ancient measurements used to determine the size of the Earth appear astonishingly accurate in respect to modern measures. Some contemporary authors suggest that the Greeks derived their sources from either precise measurement or from earlier works known in Hinduism as Yuga, an approach generally used to indicate ages of extended periods of time. The Yuga progression of time appears to correspond with the Mayan Great Cycle, for which one full cycle of time extends approximately 25,920 solar years. Recent research suggests that our Solar System travels in the form of a sine wave above and below the Galactic Plane of what we commonly refer to as the Milky Way Galaxy. This repeating path follows the shape of the letter S turned on its side (i.e., a sine wave).

Using the measure of 25,920 years, we proceed downward below the Galactic Plane for 6480 years until we reach the bottom of the cycle. Then we move upward during the subsequent 6480 years and cross the Galactic Plane. Presumably, we crossed the Galactic Plane in 2012 AD. Therefore, during these next 6480 years, we travel to the peak of the cycle before moving back downward to cross the Galactic Plane again 6480 years later. After that point, our cycle repeats itself while the rim of our galaxy rotates around our center, the Milky Way.

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