County Clerk warns residents of "Election Integrity" scammers

MASON – Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum (D-Onondaga) recently advised Ingham County residents professing to be knocking on doors in the name of “Election Integrity” and the true nature of their efforts. Several Ingham County residents have reported the presence of these individuals in their neighborhoods. 

“Residents must know that no election official, no election administrator will ever ask you how you voted. We will never ask you if you voted,” Byrum stated.  “The individuals who are coming around and knocking on doors are doing so based on a politically-motivated, conspiracy fueled agenda.”

Similar efforts have been reported in counties across Michigan. They appear to be a part of a larger effort that started last year to attempt to verify the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. At issue is the fact that in the eighteen months since the election, many voters have moved, died, or otherwise had a change in circumstances.

“If someone comes to your door asking how you voted, my recommendation would be to slam that door in their face,” Byrum said.  “Michiganders are tired of the constant attempts to relitigate an election that was tabulated, canvassed, certified, audited, risk-limiting audited, and audited again. As Gertrude Stein said, there is no there, there.”

At a recent Republican rally at the Michigan State Capitol lawn, a representative from the group presented several ‘findings’ that they came across knocking on doors that offer no substantive issues with the way the election was run nor results impacted.

“If these people had the first clue about election administration they would know that all of the issues they think they discovered are ridiculous and easily explained,” said Byrum. “But the facts are not going to get in the way of the story they are telling. They are doing serious harm to the public’s trust in our democracy and it will take years to rebuild the trust that they have eroded. What they are doing is a danger to our country and it is high time that we started yelling that fact through a megaphone.”

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