Municipal Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing to be held by the Norton Shores Zoning Board of Appeals at a meeting Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 5:30 P.M. in the Community Room, Norton Shores Library, 705 Seminole Road, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding the following request:

1. Lakeshore Property Services, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting a Variance to construct a shed that will be in the line of sight along Mona Lake at 3816 Highgate Road.

Questions pertaining to the above may be addressed to Ted Woodcock, Planner, Municipal Building, 4814 Henry Street, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., (231) 799-6800. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Norton Shores by writing or calling the City Clerk at (231) 798-4391.

Shelly Stibitz, City Clerk
Publish: 10.07.2022


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