Rosenberg spy case explored in FBA trial practices program

The Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, is teaming up with the American College of Trial Lawyers to retry the infamous Rosenberg spy case.  “Anatomy of a Trial: An In Depth Examination of Best Trial Practices” will take place on Friday, October 28, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Levin U.S. District Courthouse in Detroit.

The event will feature a faculty of distinguished trial lawyers and judges for a mock trial program, the purpose of which is to train younger lawyers on best practices for opening statements, direct and cross examinations, closing arguments, and the ever-important skill of effective, ethical advocacy.  Based on the real trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, this training will cover topics including opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, closing arguments, and a discussion with federal judges on what they want from a trial lawyer.

Cost is $76 for members and $126 for non-members/guests.  To register, visit and click on “events.”